Home of the Original 



Pricing: Our LeoBerner pups are $2,500 and receive the same veterinary care and loving family upbringing as our AKC registered BMD puppies. Our LeoBerners are vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed twice (at 5 weeks old and 7 1/2 weeks old), microchipped, and bathed before adoption day. All of our puppies receive tremendous amounts of daily attention and socialization before traveling to their new homes with a mother-scented blanket. Please call for more information (406) 632-4620 land line/no texts

We are so proud to announce the arrival of our second hybrid litter - delivered on Easter morning 2020! Please meet our...


This is a highly desirable cross between our 

female AKC Leonberger named Oakley & 

our stud AKC Bernese Mountain Dog Geronimo

History of the Parent Breeds

with Similarities & Differences

A striking 1st generation LeoBerner puppy is the beautiful offspring between an AKC Leonberger & an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog. Both of these breeds come from the same working group and were selectively bred in mountainous, rural, and agricultural regions in Switzerland & Germany. Both of these breeds are gentle, family oriented and desire your companionship alongside your daily routines. Historically, both parental lines were ideal for drafting & farm work as well as guardianship; today they are outstanding candidates for search & rescue dogs as well as therapy dogs because of their intelligence, calm demeanor, and temperament. Both foundation lineages are highly adapted to snowy conditions - In fact they prefer it! They have thick double coats and love cool to cold weather. Both of the parental breeds also have dry mouths (which means no excessive drooling). Where their differences lie - The Leonbergeres (a.k.a. Leos) are extremely drawn to bodies of water! They are exceptionally well built for training in water rescues. They have a thick and water resistant coat along with webbed feet. They are physiologically adept to swimming in chilled alpine lakes. Their large webbed feet also transverse the deep mountain snow with ease as if they were wearing a pair of snowshoes! So they are truly an all seasonal dog for the Rocky Mountain West! The Bernese Mountain Dogs also love the snow! They will lament the arrival of summer and hang on to every last snow drift they can find! Then they will dive into a snow-packed hillside & rejoice with mouthfuls of savory 'snow-cones' as they lie down and hug the last remnants of winter! The only thing Berners love more than massive amounts of frozen precipitation and playtime are their human families! They absolutely cherish every moment by your side and steadfastly look into your eyes! They always want to know what you want them to do next! The common phrase 'eager to please' is a Berner understatement! They always oblige with their famous Berner Smile! 

Our LeoBerner puppies are a master blend of their parental traits. They are not only extra large because of their hybrid nature, but because the line of Leonbergers are classified as a Giant breed, and the Bernese Mountain Dogs are within the Large range. 

  AKC breed standards for height & weight ranges below

AKC Bernese Mountain Dogs - Properly structured males range in height from 25 to 27 1/2 inches at the withers and weigh between 90-120 lbs. BMD females range in height from 23 to 26 inches at the withers and weigh between 75-105 lbs.

AKC Leonbergers - Properly structured males range in height from 28 to 31 1/2 inches tall (measured at the shoulders) and weigh between 110-170 lbs. The females range from 25 1/2 to 29 1/2 inches tall and weigh between 90-140 lbs.

Oakley delivered a phenomenal 'LeoBerner' hybrid litter on 

April 12, 2020.

We were so pleased to greet the healthy arrival of 5 extra large puppies!!! There are 4 males and 1 female, and they were all reserved before they were even born! During the current COVID-19 Pandemic, we've experienced an incredible amount of inquiries from all around North America and as a result, our callback list is growing by the day. We apologize if we have missed your calls. We have another LeoBerner litter planned if you've missed this one. This Spring 2020 litter of LeoBerner puppies will be ready for adoption  by their new families when they turn 8 weeks old on 

June 7, 2020. 

Many have asked us over the last year about the name we coined as 'LeoBerners'...Well, we felt that the name was a perfect blend of both AKC parent breeds and their nicknames and traits. The purebred Leonbergers are typically called "Leos" to reference their lion-like apperance, build, and royal elegance. The other contributing breed of our 'LeoBerners' are the Bernese Mountain Dogs which are commonly called 'Berners' because they are from the Swiss region of Bern.  Hence the branded name 'LeoBerners' which we have recently trademarked (class 31) and are very proud of it!!! We absolutely feel that they are the ideal hybrid dog for Rocky Mountain living!!! They are Coming Soon to a trail near you!


Spring 2020

LeoBerner Puppies


5 Week Pic



Pictured Above: Big Sky's Abby Oakley

AKC # WS59537404

D.O.B. 10/22/2017

The AKC officially recognized the Bernese Mountain Dogs in 1937.

The AKC more recently recognized the Leonbergers as an official breed in the working group in 2010.

Oakley nursing her 1st litter

All of our LeoBerner puppies have striking hair coats: a golden undercoat, dark guard hairs with light tips. This essentially gives them a 'grizzly bear' look! Some of the puppies also have the Berner Blazes & white matching paws!

Oakley & Geronimo

Homecoming Parade - September 2018

Oakley - Enjoying the abundance of Sweet Clover in our pastures!

Summer 2019


June 2019

Clover now- pictured below -

Our very own 'LeoBerner'

girl from Oakley's 1st litter.

Clover was by far the smallest puppy, but she was always big on spirit!

Clover is pictured here on top of the pack ----->.

Clover  - 6 months old here

January 2020

Her first winter!

Geronimo & Oakley

Clover is a hybrid

1st generation LeoBerner

pictured here at 4 1/2 months old

October 2019

Clover - the runt of the litter that stole our hearts!

Pictured here at 5 weeks old

July 2019

Spring Skiing 2020

Our daughter Sage and her dog Clover

This dynamic duo hiked to the summit of 8200'

Kings Hill ( <--no relation, but we'd like to think so)

Skied down in her prom dress since prom was cancelled


8 wks old

& 10 months old

LeoBerner pup Clover pictured at

10 months old - 

Having some spring fun on

Kings Hill

near Neihart, MT

Clover pictured at 5 weeks old

July 2019

May 2020

Our AKC Leonberger Oakley is pictured here with her younger sister Cedar. Cedar was born in August 2019 and we were fortunate enough to adopt Cedar (full sibling to Oakley) in October 2019. Cedar is also an AKC registered Leonberger.

Sisters Oakley & Cedar pictured here 

Winter 2019/2020


5 Weeks Old                                         6 Weeks Old

13.1 lbs                                                        


5 Weeks Old                                                       6 Weeks Old

12.6 lbs                                                                       


5 Weeks Old                                                      6 Weeks Old

14.2 lbs                                                                       


5 Weeks Old                                            6 Weeks Old

13.3 lbs                                                             


5 Weeks Old                                                     6 Weeks Old

13.4 lbs                                                                    


Adoptin Day Photo

After Bath

22.1 lbs




Adoption Day Photo

After Bath

20.8 lbs




7-8 Week Photo

Before Bath

22.4 lbs




7-8 Week Photo

Before Bath

22.8 lbs






7-8 Week Photo

Before Bath

21.5 lbs